May 8, 2017

Love Your Refugee Neighbor

There are an estimated 19 million refugees in the world today – mostly in Africa, but also from the Middle East and parts of Latin America.  When you read about refugees, think of two human emotions – fear and courage.

A refugee has given everything up, out of fear – fear of death, or injury, or jail.  That means leaving everything physical behind except for what a person can carry:  home, personal property and business possessions, photos, clothing, toys.  It also means leaving one’s native culture and often one’s native language.  In many cases it also means leaving family members, some of whom cannot leave, some of whom are scattered around the globe.  Often friends and relatives have been killed or disappeared.

Some small portion of these refugees get the opportunity to re-settle in a new place — starting life over – at age 30, or 40, or even 50.  Accepting that change takes courage – a special kind of courage, one sustained by faith – faith in oneself, faith in one’s God, and faith in the greater good of humanity. Courage to learn a whole new language, learn new customs and ways of living.  Courage to find a way forward when one’s education and credentials don’t mean anything.

Dear God,

Please extend your grace to the many millions of refugees who are displaced in our world today.  Please give me the grace to understand the plight of the refugee, and to not have my fears of the unknown compound the fears these many have already faced.  Please help me grow in my faith in You and in humanity, so that I have the courage to face the uncertainties and challenges of the world, however large – or small – they may be. Amen.