
Holy Eucharist- What happens here every Sunday

Every Sunday we have worship that includes singing, scripture, a sermon, prayers and communion (Eucharist) at 10am. The worship service lasts between 50-70 minutes. Currently we are worshipping both in-person and online. Please access the online service through the home page on this website or on our Facebook or YouTube pages.   We have activities for children at the 10am service during the program year, and during the summer too.

The entire service is printed on a leaflet that makes it easy for you to participate and follow.  If you’re experienced in Roman Catholic worship, you’ll find that many of the words are the same.  If you’re experienced in other protestant worship, you’ll find that the hymns are familiar.  If you’re not experienced in any sort of collective worship, you can be assured that you will blend in just fine since everything is printed on the leaflet you’re given when you enter the sanctuary.  We hope to see you soon!

Here are some answers to Frequently Asked Questions:


Holy Baptism

Baptism is the entry point for members of the church. While God loves every human being, we believe that Baptism is a God-given means of drawing us into God’s family. We believe that through the waters of Baptism we die and rise with Christ; our sins are washed away and we are born again by water and the Spirit.

Baptism is not a magical rite; it is an act of community. Parents and God-parents make solemn vows to help the one being baptized “grow into the full stature of Christ”. The whole parish also makes a vow to “do all in their power to support the newly baptized in their life in Christ”. Those being baptized and their families are expected to be regular in worship before and after the celebration.

Baptisms are held during the 10:00 a.m. service approximately once a quarter. Please contact the clergy to schedule a Baptism. The church office can provide you with the necessary form and tell you about upcoming Baptism dates.

Download the Baptism form here:
Holy Baptism Information Sheet


Confirmation is a mature statement of Christian faith made before a bishop to receive the strengthening power of the Holy Spirit. For young people, confirmation classes are offered to those who are at least in the 9th grade. Baptized Adults from another Christian tradition who were never confirmed are also asked to receive the sacrament. Adults who were confirmed in another tradition are received into the Episcopal Church without having to renounce the previous rite. The Bishop’s visitation usually takes place after Easter.

Wedding at St. Stephen’s Church

Christian marriage is a solemn and joyful celebration. There are many options for where and how a wedding ceremony is conducted. Choosing our church as the site for your wedding implies embracing the sacramental theology of marriage of the Episcopal Church. Rite for holy matrimony in the Episcopal Church (BCP, p. 423). Marriage is a solemn public covenant between two persons in the presence of God. At least one of the couple must be a baptized Christian.

The December 16, 2013 Vestry meeting made the following resolution:

RESOLVED that the Vestry of St. Stephen’s supports and approves the Rector’s exercise of the authority granted by the Diocese of Connecticut to act as an agent of the state on the grounds of St. Stephen’s Church, and make same-sex couples legally married through the Episcopal Church’s Liturgy for Blessing Same-Sex Relationships, upholding the same standards of preparation and implementation as is expected by St. Stephen’s for heterosexual couples.
No wedding can be put on the parish calendar until the couple meet with a member of the clergy.

Download the Wedding Form here:

Wedding Information Form

I Will Bless You and You Will Be a Blessing

At the Time of Death

While none of us looks forward to it, death is a natural outcome of being human. Parish clergy are accustomed with end of life issues and can be of great assistance both in the last stages of life and in the days that follow. We are familiar with many ways to celebrate the life of one “we love but see no longer”. Please call. We are ready.

The parish also has a columbarium (a consecrated public place to permanently keep the ashes of our loved ones). Each niche can hold two sets of ashes. Spaces are available to the public. Call the Parish Office for more information.

Attached please find resources for Bereavement:

Funeral Plans 07 05 17

Sequence of things to do at the time of death

Planning On Paradise 07 09 17


Personal Information 07 06 17

Medical Information 07 076 17 (3)

Financial Information 07 09 17_

Legacy Gift 07 06 17