Joining St. Stephen’s

Welcome to St. Stephen’s!

Joining a church can seem like a formidable task.  But it is simple, really.  Joining a church is about deciding to be counted among the membership- taking your place in the ministry of the church through supporting it with your time, talent, and treasure.  Joining a church allows you to shape and be shaped by the Christian fellowship.  It is a commitment to a journey.

St. Stephen’s doesn’t have a minimum that is asked of households in regard to time, talent or treasure in order to be considered a member.  We simply recognize that committing some portion of each (generosity) is a practice that grows one’s faith.  Generosity helps one grow in faith.  Living into this commitment as best as one can is all that is necessary for membership.

So, if you would like to join St. Stephen’s, please review the Membership Form below and the annual giving card.  Both of these will be needed to indicate your interest in being a member.

If you would like to discuss anything prior to joining or for detailed questions about baptism, reception or confirmation, contact our clergy. If you have records of your baptism and confirmation at another church, you can call and ask them to transfer your records over to us. Just have your previous church send your records to St. Stephen’s, 351 Main Street, Ridgefield, CT  06877, ATTN:  Ginny Fitzpatrick, Parish Administrator.

Click here for a Membership form: Membership form 2020

Download the pledge card here: 2023 Pledge Form

How can I get more information or get added to the mailing list? Please fill out the “Welcome” card located in the pews or speak to a volunteer exit greeter after the service. Our greeters would be happy to speak to you about any questions you may have and can take down your contact information. You may also complete the contact form on the home page and we will respond as soon as possible.

Any other questions?

If we haven’t answered all your questions here, please call the church office at 203.438.3789 or use  Our Contact Us page:

Office hours are 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. We are closed on Fridays. Or e-mail us with your questions: