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Our Organ

St. Stephen’s is blessed with a 1963 Moller, Opus 9810,

III/30 rank, 36 stop pipe organ,

with additions in 2002 by Austin Organs.


Great Organ

Spitzflöte 8

Principal 8

Octave 4

Mixture III

Trumpet 8 (Ant.)


Swell Organ

Lieblich Gedeckt 16

Bourdon 8

Viole de Gambe 8

Voix Celeste 8

Prestant 4

Plein Jeu II

Contre Hautbois 16

Hautbois 8

Trompette 8


Choir Organ

Erzähler Celestes 8

Bourdon 8

Rohrflöte 4

Principal 4

Principal 2

Sesquialtera II

Trompette 8 (Sw.)

​Antiphonal Organ

Principal 8

Octave 4

Principal 2

Mixture IV

Trumpet 8

Trumpet 4


Pedal Organ

Sub Bass 16

Lieblich Gedeckt 8

Bass Flute 8

Octave 8

Octave 4

Contre Hautbois 4

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