Find Us Here!

St. Stephen’s is at 353 Main Street, at the junction of Main Street and Governor Street in the heart of historic Ridgefield, Connecticut. Regular Sunday morning services are at 10:00 — all are welcome! If you can’t come to visit us on a particular Sunday morning, you can join live. Sermons are also available as Podcasts. To see all of our streaming options, see Live Streaming from St. Stephen’s.

Bad Faith Documentary – May 30 at 7pm in North Hall.

The documentary, which explores the rise of Christian Nationalism in the U.S., features religious leaders, historians, journalists, political activists, and sociologists. In showing Bad Faith, St. Stephen’s seeks to open a conversation about Christian Nationalism from the faith perspective. “Our aim is to demonstrate what it means to ‘love your neighbor’ by caring about the neighbor’s concerns” says Mother Whitney . Registration here